Nearly ready to go live…

20 05 2008

Mobislim Diets Sample Page

We just received the first screen shots from our site developer.  They are looking very cool.  We hope to point our friends at the site soon.

Bango B.



Content on its way

16 05 2008

We just sent our first upload of content to our site builder.

We decided to make a simple skeleton with a few pages to start with – only 3 premium images and a few diets, and see what they come back with.

They tell us that a version should be live early next week.


Appointment of our site builder partner

15 05 2008

Today we appointed our site builder – a small but well recommended mobile website house based in Poole in the UK.

We had given them a briefing about our idea for a mobile site that could motivate and support people to achieving a healthier lifestyle through slimming.  What we liked about them was that they “got” our idea and had a flexible way of working so we don’t end up having to “pay by the hour” or “over spec” what we want.

Also, they are a Bango accredited developer so we know they can use Bango Payment to earn us money from our premium offerings, they can integrate Bango Analytics so we can learn about our site traffic and measure ROI from our campaigns, and they can help us with search submission etc.

Tomorrow we are sending them our first batch of content, and they tell us we should have a demo site live within a week or two.  Exciting.

Meanwhile, we have acquired some domains:,,,

and we plan to point these into our site in due course.

The Mobislim Project Launches

13 05 2008

Hi, I’m Bango Bunter, one of the founders of the mobislim site. 

I have two goals for Mobislim:

  1. To bring health and happiness to the world through fitness and slimness
  2. To share with other webmasters my progress in building and developing a mobile website, which will include hints and tips, downloads, premium content, calls to action, and personalization as it develops.

Bango will be providing the site with Analytics and Payment services (see for free, in the guise of a Bango Payment World package, on condition that the MOBISLIM webmasters share with other Bango customers and Free Triallers exactly how I’m building my site, and let anybody spectate on my traffic.

I will comission a site builder to build my site, and I’ll keep you up to speed on progress in the coming days.  Meanwhile, I am preparing my plans for generating traffic from mobile search,, bango buttons, advertising channels and much more.

I look forward to sharing the journey with you.